On 12/22/2013 02:54 PM, dec...@msn.com wrote:
basically what I wanna do is this :

x = 4
y = 7
def switch (z,w):
***this will switch z to w and vice verca***
      c= z
      print 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z
      return w
x = switch(x,y)

  How am I supposed to do so I can  return also a value to the variable y 
WITHOUT printing 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z   a second time ?

thanks in advance

I don't' understand the question, but if you are just trying to exchange the values of x and y, this will do:

x,y = y,x

If you want a function to return several values to several variables, try:

def fn(...):
    # calculate a and b
    return a,b

p,q = fn(...)

All these comma-separated sequences are tuples, often written with parentheses as (x,y)=(y,x) and (p,q)=fn(...), but as here, the parentheses are often not necessary.

Gary Herron


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