On Jan 8, 2014, at 12:26 PM, Bob Hartwig <bobje...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "4. Best visual diff utility for Mac?"
> opendiff.  I think it's part of xcode.
> Regarding Python IDEs, I really like PyCharm.  It's written in Java, and 
> sometimes you can tell that by its performance, but it's very featureful and 
> has a great debugger, and your 16 GB box should support it nicely.
>     Bob

Malcom - I didn't mention IDE's since you didn't explicitly ask, but I use 
WingIDE (and no, I have NO relationship with the company), and have been very 
pleased by the company's responsiveness and help.  They have a free trial you 
can download and versions with three levels of capabilities, sophistication, 
and price.  These range from student (free) through personal and professional.


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