On 01/09/2014 12:42 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 09/01/2014 01:27, Roy Smith wrote:

Naive datetimes are what everybody uses.  It's what utcnow() gives you.
So why make life difficult for everybody?  Python 3 didn't win a convert

Yep, dates and times are easy.  That's why there are 17 issues open on the bug 
tracker referencing tzinfo alone.  Poor
old 1100942 is high priority, was created 12/01/2005 and has missed 3.4.  So if 
it gets into 3.5 it'll have already
celebrated its 10th birthday.  It doesn't say much for the amount of effort 
that we put into looking after issues.

Mark, I hope you are addressing the community at large and not the core-devs. There are only so many of us, with limited time available.


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