
I'm trying to make a decent .pycheckrc for our project and have
stumbled on a few issues. (the pychecker-list would have seemed like
the appropriate place, but the S/N ratio seemed very low with all the

- for various reasons we decided to add an attribute to a module in the
stdlib, lets say os.foo. Now, pychecker screams "No module attribute
(foo) found" in a lot of places, which is not desirable.

(Yes I know, don't do that, fix the original problem etc.. We probably
will eventually, but for now, I just don't want to see those)

I thought of doing something with the suppressions dict, but could not
figure out how to use that in this particular case.

Another thing, we have a lot of autogenerated files which contain a
function _translateException which is basically a huge dictionary
Here pychecker complains about too many lines, can I somehow suppress
<RandomName>Wrapper.<RandomName>._translateException or failing that,
all _translateException

(manually including every name does not seem like fun..)



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