Le mercredi 5 février 2014 00:18:35 UTC+1, Terry Reedy a écrit :
> On 2/4/2014 10:21 AM, wxjmfa...@gmail.com wrote:
> >> I was able to discover that link by opening the page, highlighting the
> >> section header with my mouse, then clicking the pilcrow.  That gives
> >> me the anchor link to that section header.
> >
> > Useless and really ugly.
> Jim, when you say 'useless', please qualify as 'useless to me'. 
> Otherwise, people may think that you mean 'useless to eveyone', and it 
> is disrespectful to mislead people that way. I hope you are aware that 
> your personal ideas of usefulness to yourself are quite different from 
> other peoples' ideas of usefulness to themselves.
> I now understand that you consider the FSR useless *to you* because you 
> do not care about the bugginess of narrow builds or about the spacious 
> of wide builds. You do care about uniformity of character size across 
> all strings, and FSR lacks that. You are entitled to make that judgment 
> for yourself. You are not entitled to sabotage others by projecting you 
> personal judgments onto others. The FSR and pilcrow are definitely 
> useful to other people as they judge personal usefulness for themselves.
> PS. I agree that the pilcrow appearing and disappearing is not pretty 
> when I am not looking to use it. I happen to think that is it tolerable 
> because it is sometimes useful.
> -- 
> Terry Jan Reedy

I do not contest the utility of such a feature.

I do not see the utility of such a feature, when
visiting the Python doc on line. That's all.
I lived years without knowing that one could
click on a "pilcrow"!


If you put the FSR on the table.
I think I have a very correct vision of what Unicode
should be and *is*. (*)
I belong to those who know that latin-1 is unusable for
more than ten European languages based on latin scripts.
Today, one can add German to these.
No offense, you are still stuck and living in
the ascii world. (The recent byte string discussion
was very informative on that subject).

Writing that the FSR does not suit my needs seems to me
a little bit exagerated. You should have more concerns
about something like "ReportLab" than about my (jmf) software.

(*) Luckily, that's already the case for the users using
serious tools.


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