harold fellermann wrote:

>so, if I understand you right, what you want to have is a list of
>mutable objects, whose value you can change without changing the 

>class Proxy :
>       def __init__(self,val) : self.set(val)
>       def set(self,val) : self.val = val
>       def get(self) : return self.val
>a = Proxy(1)
>b = Proxy(2)
>c = Proxy(3)
>varList = [a,b,c]
>for i in varList :
>       i.set(returnVarFromFunction())
>print a,b,c
>prints whatever returnVarFromFunction has returned.
>n.b.: instead of the Proxy class, you can use any other mutable
>objects, e.g. lists.
>- harold -
>"All unsere Erfindungen sind nichts als verbesserte Mittel
>  zu einem nicht verbesserten Zweck."
>-- H.D. Thoreau
That does it.  Thank you! 


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