In article <53176225$0$29987$c3e8da3$>,
 Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:

> Physics is the fundamental science, at least according to the physicists, 
> and Real Soon Now they'll have a Theory Of Everything, something small 
> enough to print on a tee-shirt, which will explain everything. At least 
> in principle.

A mathematician, a chemist, and a physicist are arguing the nature of 
prime numbers.  The chemist says, "All odd numbers are prime.  Look, I 
can prove it.  Three is prime.  Five is prime.  Seven is prime".  The 
mathematician says, "That's nonsense.  Nine is not prime".  The 
physicist looks at him and says, "Hmmmm, you may be right, but eleven 
is prime, and thirteen is prime.  It appears that within the limits of 
experimental error, all odd number are indeed prime!"

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