On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That depends on what the mail is being used for.  For instance there's
> a difference between mail-as-dialogue and mail-as-business-process.
> In the former it is normal, even polite, to prune as the topic evolves
> and past quotations become less relevant.  In the latter it seems more
> common for the entire thread to be preserved as a sort of "chain of
> custody" -- this way the next person who needs to see the email thread
> has full context as to what needs to happen and where the request is
> coming from.

Sounds like a job for an internal wiki, actually. Have you ever gone
back through a fifty-post thread, reading through its entire unpruned
context to find something? And if you have, was it at all practical?
Somehow I doubt it.


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