Bengt Richter wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 17:10:37 -0400, William Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's a one liner in Python too ;-)
>  >>> print ' '.join([x+y+z+q for s in ['abc'] for x in s for y in s for z in 
> s for q in s])

Or for the cost of an import and a lambda, you can keep it looking real 
obscure and generalize it to any size of sequence ('abcdef' or whatever) 
and a result length of up to 52 elements:

 >>> from string import letters as L
 >>> cartesian = lambda seq, num: eval("list(%s for __ in [seq]
%s)" % ('+'.join(L[:num]), 'for %s in __ ' * num % tuple(L[:num])))
# (there are spaces at any line breaks above)

 >>> cartesian('abcde', 6)
['aaaaaa', 'aaaaab', 'aaaaac', 'aaaaad', 'aaaaae', 'aaaaba',
'eeeeec', 'eeeeed', 'eeeeee']
 >>> len(_)



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