Bill Mill wrote:
> On 7/15/05, Brian Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>    Brian> I've decided that it would be be fun to host a weekly Python
>>>    Brian> programming contest. The focus will be on algorithms that require
>>>    Brian> a bit of thought to design but not much code to implement.
>>>For some of us that's what we do day-in, day-out at work.  It's just not
>>>called a contest.  To make it more challenging, we sometimes leave out the
>>>"bit of thought" part. ;-)
>>Hmmm...I find that I am rarely faced with challenging algorithmic
>>problems in my day-to-day work. I continuously face difficult design
>>decisions but that is a difficult sort of beast all together.
>>This contest is for people who like thinking about algorithms.
> Questions:
> Will that random test generator (included in the download) be used to
> perform the actual testing?

Yes. With two caveats:
1. I will pick the seed ahead of time so everyone gets the same problem
2. I will use a local copy of the verification code (for performance

> How many tests will be run on each
> program?

Probably a few thousand. If I need more to discriminate between two very 
similar solutions, then I will do so.

> What is the penalty for a wrong answer?

Infinite. Only correct solutions will be judged on performance.

> PS - check out before you say you
> can't sleep in the airport :)

Nice :-)



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