In article <lkds4j$khg$>,
 Mark H Harris <> wrote:
> I know its my own fault (because I should just know this) but I got to 
> wondering about others who 'might not know' about the tcl/tk dev 
> packages and would be scratching their heads about why _tkinter is 
> missing and IDLE won't run, although tcl/tk is installed correctly and 
> running?

If the Python build (the "make sharedmods" build step) can't 
successfully build the _tkinter extension module (because, for example, 
it couldn't find the Tk headers or libraries), the build step already 
reports that it could not build _tkinter.  It does the same for all of 
the other extension module builds, some of which also require 
third-party headers and libraries, like those from OpenSSL, zlib, bz2, 
etc.  Also, most people don't build Python from source - they install 
Python from a distributor - and the people who do generally know (or 
learn quickly) what dependencies are needed for their needs.

 Ned Deily,


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