Chris Angelico <> writes:

> On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 6:57 PM, Robert Kern <> wrote:
> > There is such a thing as the public domain in the US, and there are works in
> > it, but there isn't really such a thing as "placing a work" there
> > voluntarily, as Grant says. A work either is or isn't in the public domain.
> > The author has no choice in the matter.
> Then what's copyright status on PEPs?

My guess: They are in the default copyright status, with all rights
reserved (i.e. everything that copyright law restricts, is forbidden to
the recipient).

But, if any of those copyright holders were ever to assert their
copyright had been infringed by some recipient, the “this work is in the
public domain” or equivalent would be taken as a clear indication of the
*intent* of the copyright holder.

Ultimately, what matters is the determination of whatever judge you find
yourself facing. To that end, clarifying in the copyright statement and
license terms exactly what is permitted can be immensely helpful in
foreshortening and, ideally, avoiding a future copyright suit.

Copyright is a ridiculous burden on everyone — to the extent that even
those copyright holders who don't *want* those rights which the law
reserves to the copyright holder, and want to divest themselves of the
role of copyright holder, find it frustratingly difficult to do so
effectively across jurisdictions.

 \          “Computer perspective on Moore's Law: Human effort becomes |
  `\           twice as expensive roughly every two years.” —anonymous |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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