Satish ML wrote:

[Regarding subject: let's see if we can trigger a buffer overflow somewhere 

> On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 6:59:40 AM UTC+5:30, Rustom Mody wrote:
>> On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 9:35:10 PM UTC+5:30, Jagadeesh N. Malakannavar
>> wrote: > Hi Satish, > > Can you please send python part in plain text
>> format? Python code here is > > difficult to read. It would be helpful to
>> read
>> Note particularly the 2 standard expectations: - Dont top post - Dont use
>> excessively long (> 70 chars) lines
> Hi,
> Here is the code.
> xls file looks as follows:
> a.c   C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\code\a.c        C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\code
> hello.txt     C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\txt\hello.txt
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\txt
> integration.doc       C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\doc\integration.doc
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\doc
> UG.doc        C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\doc\UG.doc      
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\doc
> Applications.xml      C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\xml\Applications.xml
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\xml
> Platforms.xml C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\xml\Platforms.xml
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\xml
> avc.alias     C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\cnx\alias\avc.alias
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\cnx\alias
> cats.alias    C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\cnx\alias\cats.alias
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\cnx\alias
> avc.init      C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\cnx\init\avc.init
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\cnx\init
> cats.init     C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\cnx\init\cats.init
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\cnx\init
> import xlrd, sys, os, shutil
> file_location = "C:\Users\salingeg\Desktop\input.xls"
> workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_location)
> sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)
> sheet.cell_value(0, 0)
> for row in range(sheet.nrows):
>         source = []
>         source.append(sheet.cell_value(row, 1))
>         destination = []
>         destination.append(sheet.cell_value(row, 2))
>         files = []
>         files.append(sheet.cell_value(row, 0))
>         for f in files:
>                 for s in source:
>                         for d in destination:
>                                 print f
>                                 print s
>                                 print d
>                                 if (os.path.exists("d\\f")):

The following line will either always be executed if you have a subdirectory 
"d" in your current working directory and that directory contains a file 
called "f" (unlikely) or never if "d\\f" doesn't exist (likely). 

Have a look at os.path.join() for the right way to join a directory with a 
filename into a path. Use the interactive interpreter to make sure you get 
the desired result and understand how it works before you fix your script.

>                                         print ('File exists')
>                                 else:
>                                         shutil.copy(s, d)
> I am getting the following error:
> a.c
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\src\code\a.c
> C:\Desktop\salingeg\dest\code
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Users\salingeg\Desktop\", line 24, in <module>
>     shutil.copy(s, d)
>   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\python26\lib\", line 84, in copy
>     copyfile(src, dst)
>   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\python26\lib\", line 50, in
>   copyfile
>     with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc:
> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> u'C:\\Desktop\\salingeg\\src\\code\\a.c'

According to the error message the file you are trying to copy doesn't 
exist. Have a look into the C:\Desktop\salngeg\src\code folder, and check 
whether a file called a.c is there. If not you have three options

- add the file
- remove the line from the excel file
- modify the code to check if the *source* file exists


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