On Thu, 24 Jul 2014 09:27:10 +0200, Martin S wrote:

> Function A collects data and then calls function B with some, but also
> has data that should be passed to function C.

It might help if you give a bit more information. How does it collect 
data, how does it decide which bits of information should be passed to B 
and which to C, and what happens with the results returned from B and C?

But something like this should give you an idea:

def funca(values):
    data_for_b = []
    data_for_c = []
    for value in values:
        if 0 < value <= 100:
        elif 100 < value <= 200:
        # otherwise just discard it
    result_from_b = funcb(data_for_b)
    result_from_a = funcc(data_for_c)
    return max(result_from_b, result_from_a)

def funcb(values):
    return 5*sum(values)

def funcc(values):
    return 2*sum(values) - 200

print(funca([2, 5, 107, 99, 1999, 2345, 84, 156, 23]))

If you run that code, it should print 1065.

If this is not what you mean, I'm afraid you're going to have to explain 
what exactly you do mean, because I have no other ideas :-)


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