On Sun, 3 Aug 2014 08:30:15 +1000, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com>

>On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 8:13 AM, Seymore4Head
><Seymore4Head@hotmail.invalid> wrote:
>> https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&tab=ww&gws_rd=ssl#hl=en&q=python+programing+for+the+absolute+beginner
>> There is a book listed as a PDF.
>> When I try the first example of print "Game Over" I get a syntax
>> error.
>> I have tried running the command line and the GUI.  I get the feeling
>> there is something else I need to run.
>> http://imgur.com/RH3yczP
>Try this instead:
>print("Game Over")
>You're looking at a Python 2 book, and you're running Python 3. I
>would recommend instead getting a Python 3 tutorial:
I was reading a little in this group and someone had recommended
trying codecademy.com

That seems to be a pretty good way to start so far.

I will also try your link.

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