On Wed, 06 Aug 2014 22:58:51 -0400, Seymore4Head
<Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid> wrote:

>number = 7
>guess = -1
>count = 0
>print("Guess the number!")
>while guess != number:
>    guess = int(input("Is it... "))
>    count = count + 1
>    if guess == number:
>        print("Hooray! You guessed it right!")
>    elif guess < number:
>        print("It's bigger...")
>    elif guess > number:
>        print("It's not so big.")

The part to here is supposed to be an example to allow the user to
guess at a number (7) with an infinite amount of tries.

This part was added as an exercise.
A counter is added to give 3 tries to guess the number.
It is supposed to stop after count gets to 3.  It doesn't.  It just
keeps looping back and asking for another guess.

>if count > 3:
>    print("That must have been complicated.")
>    print("Good job!")
>Why not?
>I think I know why it isn't working, but I don't know enough yet on
>how it should work.
>The If statement isn't getting read.

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