On 2014-08-12 02:07, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> >> It is rude to deliberately refuse to give attributes  
> > 
> > While I find this true for first-level attribution, I feel far
> > less obligation to attribute additional levels (and the verbosity
> > they entail). 
> I cannot disagree with that. I consider that the first-level
> attribution MUST be given, second-level SHOULD be given, and third-
> and subsequent levels MAY be given
> With one proviso: if you respond *directly* to something quoted at
> the Nth-level, for any N, (as opposed to merely leaving it in to
> establish context), then you MUST given an attribution.

For these case, I tend to do it interlinearly with my response, e.g.
"while you have some good points, I still lean towards Terry's 
recommendation to frobniculate the hammerjammer" rather than have a
long list of attributions at the top of the email.



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