Jp Calderone wrote:
> In the particular case of wxWidgets, it turns out that the *GUI* blocks 
> for long periods of time, preventing the *network* from getting 
> attention.  But I agree with your position for other toolkits, such as 
> Gtk, Qt, or Tk.

Are you simply showing that there are two points of view here, that one 
can look at the wx main loop as being "blocking", waiting for I/O, even 
though it is simply doing asynchronous event-driven processing the same 
as Twisted?  Or am I missing something?  Allowing for the fact that wx 
blocks, not just for long periods of time, but *indefinitely* (as long 
as no events are arriving) I still don't see how that makes it different 
from Twisted or from any other typical GUI framework, which do exactly 
the same thing.  (And since there is even a wxPython main loop 
integrated with and provided in Twisted, surely you aren't arguing that 
what wx does is somehow unusual or bad.)

Or are you simply saying that parts of wx are slow and take a while to 
complete operations?  If that's all, I haven't seen such behaviour... 
what areas are of concern?


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