On 10/22/14 5:05 AM, busca...@gmail.com wrote:
Em quarta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2014 06h29min55s UTC-2, ast  escreveu:

Is there in Python something like:

j = (j >= 10) ? 3 : j+1;

as in C language ?


without not:
j = [j+1, 3][j>=10]
with not:
j = [3, j+1][not (j>=10)]

Why on earth would you recommend this outdated hack, when there's a true conditional operator?

    j = 3 if j >= 10 else j+1

Of course, many people feel like the conditional operator isn't worth the squished-up unreadability, but if someone asks for a conditional operator, at least show them one!

Ned Batchelder, http://nedbatchelder.com


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