On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 4:00:51 PM UTC+1, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 1:53 AM, Kiuhnm <gandal...@mail.com> wrote:
> > I wish to automate the downloading from a particular site which has some 
> > ADs and which requires to click on a lot of buttons before the download 
> > starts.
> >
> > What library should I use to handle HTTP?
> > Also, I need to support big files (> 1 GB) so the library should hand the 
> > data to me chunk by chunk.
> You may be violating the site's terms of service, so be aware of what
> you're doing.
> This could be a really simple job (just figure out what the last HTTP
> query is, and replicate that), or it could be insanely complicated
> (crypto, JavaScript, and/or timestamped URLs could easily be
> involved). To start off, I would recommend not writing a single like
> of Python code, but just pulling up Mozilla Firefox with Firebug, or
> Google Chrome with in-built inspection tools, or some equivalent, and
> watching the exact queries that go through. Once you figure out what
> queries are happening, you can figure out how to do them in Python.
> ChrisA

It'll be tricky. I'm sure of that, but if the browser can do it, so can I :)
Fortunately, there are no captchas.

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