On 05Dec2014 15:01, telnetgm...@gmail.com <telnetgm...@gmail.com> wrote:
Why the following code gives me errors??? And why the print statement run 2 
times? I'll be appreciated your helps, thanks,
addrnum_dict = {'a':1,'b':2}
def orderaddrtimes():
   global addrnum_dict
   print type(addrnum_dict)

   addrnum_dict = sorted(addrnum_dict.iteritems(), key=lambda d:d[1], reverse = 

Because of the line above. The return value of "sorted()" is a list. You assign that list to "addrnum_dict". That name now refers to the list from "sorted()".

Because you call the orderaddrtimes() function twice, the second time you call it "addrnum_dict" is the list from the first call. Not a dict.

You would be best to not assign the result of "sorte()" to "addrnum_dict". Assign it to something else.

   #addrnum_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(addrnum_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
   kinds = ["a","b"]
   for tmp_kind in kinds:

python aaa.py
<type 'dict'>
<type 'list'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "aaa.py", line 16, in <module>
 File "aaa.py", line 11, in orderaddrtimes
   addrnum_dict = sorted(addrnum_dict.iteritems(), key=lambda d:d[1], reverse = 
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'iteritems'

Thank you for including the complete error output. This is very helpful, and often essential.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

Who are all you people and why are you in my computer?  - Kibo

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