Docfxit <> writes:

> Thank you all for the encouragement to make it smaller.

Even if only for the purpose of demonstrating the behaviour that you'd
like to discuss.

This doesn't necessarily mean changing the actual program you're working
on (though it might lead to that as a benefit).

> I don't know enough about Python to figure out how to isolate where
> the problem is happening.

If so, then here's a simple brute-force method:

Begin with an empty program, and start constructing the behaviour from
scratch. Ignore anything else you want the program to do; focus only on
*this* behaviour which is confusing you.

Add only those parts which seem to be related; remove them to verify
whether they're *actually* part of the problematic behaviour.

Eventually you will have a small program which, if you take any part
away, does not exhibit the behaviour you want explained.

 \      “Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism |
  `\                                    ever conceived.” —Isaac Asimov |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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