On Dec 11, 2014, at 11:35 AM, Mark Roberts wrote:

>I disagree. I know there's a huge focus on The Big Libraries (and wholesale
>migration is all but impossible without them), but the long tail of
>libraries is still incredibly important.

It is, but I think it's increasingly the case that packages which don't
support Python 3 will either be shamed into it, important enough to get high
quality contributed ports, or will be effectively abandoned and alternatives
found.  This is a big change from where we were several years ago.

All my new $work code is Python 3.  Some libraries are bilingual but
applications start and stay in Python 3-only.

Just recently the last two dependencies in Mailman 3 that blocked us from
beginning the port to Python 3 have been replaced[1].  We have active branches
that are slowly porting own code now[2].

While we can't quite declare victory yet, and there will always be legacy code
for which there just aren't the resources to port, I think it's perfectly
reasonable for Python 3 to be the default target version for any new code (and
a lot of existing code).


[1] SQLAlchemy replaced Storm, and Falcon replaced restish in our trunk.

[2] https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/mailman/py3 and

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