On Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 2:06:54 PM UTC-6, Joel Goldstick wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Store Makhzan wrote:
> > I have this script which can calculate the total of numbers given in a 
> > string
> > ---- script -----
> > total = 0
> > for c in '0123456789':
> >    total += int(c)
> > print total
> > ---- script -----
> >
> > How should I modify this script to find the total of if the numbers given 
> > in the string form have decimal places? That is, how do I need to modify 
> > this line:
> > ----- script -----
> > for c in '1.32, 5.32, 4.4, 3.78':
> > ----- script -----
> > to find the total of these given numbers.
> > --
> > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> split the string on ',' to get a list of strings.  loop thru list
> using float(s), add float values
> -- 
> Joel Goldstick
> http://joelgoldstick.com

Thank you
Here is what I did:

----- script -----
#Check if a perfect cube
total = 0
for c in ('1.23', '2.4', '3.123'):
   print float(c)
   total += float(c)
print total
----- script -----

Which gave me the result I wanted.
Since I am new to Python, I used () as a guess, and it worked.

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