On 12/01/2015 18:03, Jason Bailey wrote:
Hi all,

I'm working on a Python _3_ project that will be used to parse ISC DHCPD configuration files for statistics and alarming purposes (IP address pools, etc). Anyway, I'm hung up on this one section and was hoping someone could provide me with some insight.

My script first reads the DHCPD configuration file into memory - variable "filebody". It then utilizes the re module to find the configuration details for the wanted "shared network".

Hi Jason,

If you actually look at the syntax of what you are parsing, it is very simple.

My recommendation would be to write a recursive decent parser for your files.

That way will be easier to write, much easier to modify and almost certainly faster that a RE solution - and it can easily give you all the information in the file thus future proofing it.

'Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.' - Jamie Zawinski.




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