Steven D'Aprano writes:

> Ah, wait, I forgot Ruby's brilliant "feature" that whitespace
> *between* expressions is significant:
> [steve@ando ~]$ cat ~/coding/ruby/ws-example.rb
> #!/usr/bin/ruby
> def a(x=4)
>     x+2
> end
> b = 1
> print "a + b => ", (a + b), "\n"
> print "a+b   => ", (a+b), "\n"
> print "a+ b  => ", (a+ b), "\n"
> print "a +b  => ", (a +b), "\n"
> [steve@ando ~]$ ruby ~/coding/ruby/ws-example.rb
> a + b => 7
> a+b   => 7
> a+ b  => 7
> a +b  => 3
> A shiny new penny for any non-Ruby coder who can explain that!

I've only seen small amounts of Ruby code on the net. The only way I
can make some sense of that is if it gets analyzed as follows, using
parentheses for calls:

 a + b => 7  # a() + b => a(4) + b => 4 + 2 + 1
 a+b   => 7  # a() + b
 a+ b  => 7  # a() + b
 a +b  => 3  # a(+b)   => a(b) => a(1) = 1 + 2

I'm not quite fond of such surprise in programming language syntax.

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