On 2015-01-22, Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> Mario Figueiredo wrote:
>> But speaking about impressing more experient programmers, I personally
>> don't think Python has a wow factor in any of its features and syntax. At
>> least in the way I understand the word "wow".
> Quote:
>     I've seen Python criticized as "ugly" precisely because it doesn't 
>     have a trick-based view of the world. In many ways, it's a dull
>     language, borrowing solid old concepts from many other languages &
>     styles: boring syntax, unsurprising semantics, few automatic 
>     coercions, etc etc. But that's one of the things I like about it.
>     - Tim Peters

Well, you know the ancient Chinese programmer's curse:

  "May you program in an interesting language".

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Pardon me, but do you
                                  at               know what it means to be
                              gmail.com            TRULY ONE with your BOOTH!

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