FWIW I put all my source code inside Dropbox so that even things I
haven't yet committed/pushed to Bitbucket/Github are backed up. So far
it's worked really well, despite using Dropbox on both Windows and
Linux. (See also: Google Drive, etc.)

(Free) Dropbox has a 30 day recovery time limit, and I think Google
Drive has a trash bin, as well as a 29 day recovery for emptied trash

That said, hindsight is easier than foresight. I'm glad you were able
to recover your files!

-- Devin

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 10:09 AM,  <n.poppel...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Last night I accidentally deleted a group of *.py files 
> (stupid-stupid-stupid!).
> Thanks to unpyc3 I have reconstructed all but one of them so far from the 
> *.pyc files that were in the directory __pycache__. Many thanks!!!
> -- Nico
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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