On 2/19/2015 10:33 AM, Bryan Duarte wrote:
Thank you jwi, and Jacob,

I took a look at that posting and it seems pretty unique. I am not much 
interested in the speech driven development, but I am very interested in 
developing an accessible IDE.

Well you should be because it looks like an aural interface (uses speech instead of keyboards) uses the same kinds of data to present to either a text to speech or speech recognition driven environment.
A professor and I have been throwing around the idea of developing a completely 
text based IDE. There are a lot of reasons this could be beneficial to a blind 
developer and maybe even some sighted developers who are comfortable in the 
terminal. The idea would be really just to provide a way of easily navigating 
blocks of code using some kind of tabular formatting, and being able to 
collapse blocks of code and hearing from a high level information about the 
code within. All tools and features would obviously be spoken or output in some 
kind of audio manor.
I've been working with another professor working on some of these issues as well. His focus has been mostly blind young adults in India. come up with some pretty cool concepts that looks very usable. The challenge now is to make them work and, quite frankly monetize the effort to pay for the development.

Again, this shows the similarities in functionality used by both speech recognition and text-to-speech. All I care about is text and what I can say. We're now working with constructs such as with-open, argument by number, plaintext symbol names (with bidirectional transform to and from code form), guided construct generation for things like classes, methods, comprehensions etc.

All of these things would be useful to handed programmers as well as a way of accelerating co-creation and editing. Unfortunately, like with disabled people stove piping text-to-speech versus speech recognition, handed developers stovepipe keyboard interfaces and don't really think about what they are trying to do, only how they are doing it.

Yes yes, it's a broadbrush that you can probably slap me with. :-)

Oh and before I forget does anyone know how to contact Eric who was developing 
that accessible speech driven IDE? Thanks

Well, you could try looking in a mirror and speaking my name three times at midnight But you would get better results if you used my non-mailing list email address. e...@eggo.org.

--- eric

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