On 21/02/2015 19:46, TommyVee wrote:
Start off with sets of elements as follows:

1. A,B,E,F
2. G,H,L,P,Q
3. C,D,E,F
4. E,X,Z
5. L,M,R
6. O,M,Y

Note that sets 1, 3 and 4 all have the element 'E' in common, therefore
they are "related" and form the following superset:


Likewise, sets 2 and 5 have the element 'L' in common, then set 5 and 6
have element 'M' in common, therefore they form the following superset:


I think you get the point.  As long as sets have at least 1 common
element, they combine to form a superset.  Also "links" (common
elements) between sets may go down multiple levels, as described in the
second case above (2->5->6).  Cycles thankfully, are not possible.

BTW, the number of individual sets (and resultant supersets) will be
very large.

I don't know where to start with this.  I thought about some type of
recursive algorithm, but I'm not sure.  I could figure out the Python
implementation easy enough, I'm just stumped on the algorithm itself.

Anybody have an idea?

Thanks, Tom

A naive approach but should give you something to think about.

from collections import defaultdict

sets = ({'A','B','E','F'},

d = defaultdict(list)

for i, aSet in enumerate(sets):
    for a in aSet:

superSets = []
for k in d:
    if len(d[k]) > 1:
        superSet = set()
        for i in d[k]:
            superSet |= sets[i]

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Mark Lawrence


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