Twice today I responded to rude messages (once here, once on the SpamBayes
list) whose authors didn't deserve the benefit of my time.  In both cases,
other people rightfully responded with some small amount of return venom
(but provided useful responses nonetheless).

Let me suggest that there is only one "correct" way to respond (if you are
going to respond at all) to such messages.  That's to focus on the substance
of their message and completely ignore the rancor.  I've been the chief
technical guy (including user support) for Musi-Cal for over ten years and
for Mojam for about seven years.  During that time I've received lots of
thanks from people for the service those sites provide.  Every once in
awhile though, I get a message out of the blue from someone who is either
simply an asshole or is having the mother of all bad days.  I've found there
is nothing so satisfying as responding politely to such messages and then to
have their authors come virtually crawling back later with an apology for
having been so out-of-line.

Just a thought...


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