----- Original Message ----- 
  From: bink...@mweb.co.za 
  To: python-list@python.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:19 AM
  Subject: I want to get involved with Python!

  > Please advise on what route you would suggest I take to become a Python > > 
  > Thanks,
  > Bianca.

  Bianca, best bet to check out availability of positions in SA is to check out 
online job listing websites, like careers24, pnet and jobmail, etc.

  And, while have no idea about other forms of training, I just got into python 
by working through various forms of online tutorial material, etc., as well as 
working with some of the eBooks available - but, sure some of the other list 
members will have better/more specific suggestions in that regard.

  And, yes, I work in/with python, but, my other primary field of focus here in 
SA is web development, so not too sure about industry specific use of different 

  Stay well

  Jacob Kruger
  Blind Biker
  Skype: BlindZA
  "Roger Wilco wants to welcome you...to the space janitor's closet..."

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