From: "Steven D'Aprano" <>

On Tue, 24 Mar 2015 11:32 pm, alister wrote:

On Tue, 24 Mar 2015 00:05:46 -0700, jeffreyciross wrote:
[off-topic spam]

Calibre does a very god job as well.

Please don't reply to spam. Unless the product is a Python library, or is
given in direct reply to an explicit request for an application which is
usable by Python, it is off-topic and spam.

I see Calibre is a Python application, not sure if it is importable by
Python scripts though.

Thank you,

Exactly and this is the 2cnd SourceForge project spam post in the last few days. In fact, the two URLs are the same but posted with two different projects descriptions.

Subjects: "To Change A Pdf Ebook To Kindle" and "convert pdf to excel xls file " both point to...

They must be treated as spam.

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