On 03/25/2015 08:54 PM, kai.pet...@gmail.com wrote:
I create an image as per:

     img  = Image.new('1', (1024, 1280), 1)
I then draw on it and do:

     imagedata = list(img.getdata())
     print len(imagedata)

This gives me 1228800 instead of the expected 1310720 (1024 * 1280)     
- any ideas what I am missing?

As always, any help much appreciated.


Are you sure?

Both Python2 and Python3 give me the expected 1310720,

I'm running PILLOW version 2.6.1 on Linux (with both Python 3.4.2 and Python 2.7.8).

>>> from PIL import Image
>>> img  = Image.new('1', (1024, 1280), 1)
>>> imagedata = list(img.getdata())
>>> print len(imagedata)

Dr. Gary Herron
Department of Computer Science
DigiPen Institute of Technology
(425) 895-4418


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