On 05/09/2015 09:51 PM, Vincent Davis wrote:
On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Dave Angel <da...@davea.name> wrote:

1) you're top-posting, putting your response  BEFORE the stuff you're
responding to.

I responded to my own email, seemed ok to top post on myself saying it was

Yeah, I overreacted. There has been a lot of top-posting lately, but if a message is expected to be the end of the thread, I shouldn't care what it looks like. Sorry.

2) both messages are in html, which thoroughly messed up parts of your
error messages.

I am posting from google mail (not google groups). Kindly let me know if
this email is also html.

Still html. It didn't matter in this case, but html can cause painful formatting. And worse, it'll be different for different recipients. So some people will see exactly what was sent, while others will see things messed up a little, or a lot. The formatting can get messed up by the sender's mailer, or by the receiver's mail program, or both.

Dennis showed you what your current message looked like, so I won't repeat the whole thing. But your original message had a "multipart/alternative" which gets interpreted as plain text by many mail programs (including mine == Thunderbird), but it was already misformatted, with newlines in the wrong places. And it had an "html", which was correctly formatted, or at least could be interpreted correctly by mine.

So the output of google mail was in this case just plain wrong.

Any reason you're using google mail when you have your own email address + domain?


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