> Good fun! A few ideas:
> How to write decorators, particularly those that take parameters.

Yes, this one always seems to trip people up.

> The differences between the various number types (int, float, complex,
> Fraction, Decimal) and when you'd want each one.

I hadn't considered this one

> (CPython-specific) The dis.dis() function and what it can tell you
> about how Python operates

I remember seeing on PyMOTW - http://pymotw.com/2/dis/  I agree that it's a 
module most programmers don't know about.

> These are all topics that have come up with my students; they're
> advanced enough to be outside the scope of the course itself (the
> course _uses_ decorators, but doesn't explain how to actually build
> them), but not beyond the grasp of someone who's mastered Python's
> fundamentals.
> ChrisA

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