On Friday, June 26, 2015 at 9:30:38 AM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:
> Incidentally, I would suggest not having the try/except at all, since
> all it does is print an error and terminate (which is the same result
> you'd get if that error bubbled all the way to top level). But if you
> are going to use it, then I strongly recommend using the newer syntax:
> except errors.ConnectionFailure as e:

I wonder Chris if you know anything about this [yeah a bit of a hijack]:

There is this git plugin https://github.com/felipec/git-remote-hg
that allows one to bi-direct talk to hg

I tried to add a little better error checking so that it doesnt barf with a 
backtrace when connecting to git (instead of hg which is the intent):

My modifs: 

I got some response (from github) to the effect that travis-continuous failed 
or some such.
Yeah I know about nothing about github pull requests but it just could be
this -- obsolete except syntax.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?

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