Devan L wrote:
> If you're creating a new instance of your dApp(I assume its a class)
> with no arguments, then effectively your just creating a default
> program which is already defined in the dabo module. If you could write
> it in a few, short lines of code by defining a new class, then you
> might have something there.

import dabo
app = dabo.dApp()
app.UI = "wx"

class MyTextBox(dabo.ui.dTextBox):
         def initProperties(self):
                 self.Width = 200
                 self.Value = "Planet Earth is blue"

class MyForm(dabo.ui.dForm):
         def afterInit(self):
         def initProperties(self):
                 self.Caption = "Ground Control To Major Tom"

app.MainFormClass = MyForm

Paul McNett


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