Peter Decker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> We were discussing your 'enormous pain' installing wxPython. I find it
> interesting that you selectively quoted part of one line of my post,

Yes, the one line I quoted was the one that said most people have
wxPython installed, which is a preposterous claim.  The reason they
don't have it installed is they don't have reason to go through the
hassle of installing it, given (among other things) that tkinter is
already there.  If they don't want to go through that hassle, I don't
see why I should want to go through it.

As for installing from source, well, that's what I see the whole FOSS
movement as being about.  If I can't compile the source, why should I
care about having it?  And if I don't care about having it, what's the
point of FOSS?  Source that I can't compile is not much better than no

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