On 2015-09-03 13:28, ast wrote:

"ast" <nom...@invalid.com> a écrit dans le message de 
At the end of the last line of the following program,
there is a comma, I dont understand why ?


from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

# On appelle la fonction setup
   name = "salut",
   version = "0.1",
   description = "Ce programme vous dit bonjour",
   executables = [Executable("salut.py")],    #  <--- HERE

Ok its understood, it's a 1 element only tuple


A = 5,

A = (6)

No, it's not a tuple, because it's part of the argument list of 'setup'.

A trailing comma is allowed in argument lists, tuples, lists, etc.

>>> (1, 2, )
(1, 2)
>>> [1, 2, ]
[1, 2]
>>> {1, 2, }
{1, 2}
>>> print(1, 2, )
1 2
>>> {'1': 'one', '2': 'two', }
{'2': 'two', '1': 'one'}

It's nice to be able to do that because if you write the items on
separate lines, like in your example, it's simpler when editing: all of
the lines can end with a comma; if you add a new line, you don't also
have to add a comma to the end of the previous line (a new line is
added, and that's that); when removing a line, you don't also have to remove the comma from the end of the previous line (an old line is
removed, and that's that).

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