I guess there have been many attempts to make socket IO easier to handle and a good number of those have been in Python.

The trouble with trying to improve something which is already well designed (and conciously left as is) is that the so-called improvement can become much more complex and overly elaborate. That can apply to the initial idea, for sure, but when writing helper or convenience functions perhaps it applies more to the temptation to keep adding just a little bit extra. The end result can be overly elaborate such as a framework which is fine where such is needed but is overkill for simpler requirements.

Do you guys have any recommendations of some *lightweight* additions to Python socket IO before I write any more of my own? Something built in to Python would be much preferred over any modules which have to be added. I had in the back of my mind that there was a high-level socket-IO library - much as threading was added as a wrapper to the basic thread module - but I cannot find anything above socket. Is there any?

A current specific to illustrate where basic socket IO is limited: it normally provides no guarantees over how many bytes are transferred at a time (AFAICS that's true for both streams and datagrams) so the delimiting of messages/records needs to be handled by the sender and receiver. I do already handle some of this myself but I wondered if there was a prebuilt solution that I should be using instead - to save me adding just a little bit extra. ;-)



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