On Mon, 2015-10-05, dieter wrote:
> voxner....@gmail.com writes:
>> ...

>> But how do I specify (streaming,write-combining,write-back) memory
>> types in python ? Is there a library that I can use ? I am thinking of
>> programming some fixed memory space [...]

> Python is quite a high level programming language - i.e. lots of things
> are out of direct control of the programmer - among others memory management.
> I suppose you will need an approach that gives you more control over
> memory use - maybe, write your algorithms partially in the "C" programming
> language.

C or C++ would work.  He may want to check the assembly code that's
generated too.

> You might find "cython" helpful to easily combine Python parts
> and "C" parts.

In this case I doubt that involving Python will be helpful at all ...
There won't be a lot for it to do: all the interesting stuff will
happen at the level close to the hardware.  There's tweaking the
parameters for the benchmark, but that could be just command-line

He may also want to instrument his programs using valgrind, time(1),
oprofile and perf(1), and I guess the Python interpreter would
introduce some noise there.


  // Jorgen Grahn <grahn@  Oo  o.   .     .
\X/     snipabacken.se>   O  o   .

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