Peter Otten <> writes:

> Have a look at PyFile_WriteObject in Objects/fileobject.c.
> As I understand the code it basically does
> if isinstance(obj) and stream.encoding is not None:
>     s = obj.encode(stream.encoding))
> else:
>     s = str(obj)
> stream.write(s)

So as I understand it I'm looking for the hypothetical

    from __future__ import print_coerce_args_to_unicode

and without that, I'm stuck with the hard-coded ‘str’ coercion.

Thanks, at least now I can stop flailing to try to get it working.

 \       “Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into |
  `\   hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.” –Jesus, as quoted in Luke |
_o__)                                                             12:5 |
Ben Finney


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