In article <>, says...

> If you want to pass arguments to a command called when a button is
> clicked, you have to use 'lambda' in tkinter.

Thanks. I just skimmed over lambda before now...

> You can't expect a delay to happen during the mainloop() of the
> program. To interrupt the mainloop(), use: parent.after(n,someCommand)
> Where 'n' is some amount of milliseconds. Just have the parent widget
> or the root frame call it.

When I read your post, I realized I'm doing 
a crude animation. After a bit of searching 
on 'python canvas animation', I found a 
reference to how it's done:

I made my 'root' Tk instance global, and 
call root.update_idletasks() after the 

It works great! Now back to the lambdas 
(Ralph the Wonder Lambda, Earl J Lambda, 
Mike Q Lambda III, et al?).

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