Dennis Lee Bieber <> writes:

>       Actually, if 0 is success, and you are testing for a failure, it
> should probably just be
>       if ret:
>               #do error

That obscures the intent; there is nothing about “is ‘ret’ false?” that
tells me what the meaning of that test is.

It happens to be the case that “success” is a false-y value, but that's
not clear from reading a simple “if ret” test.

Instead, I advise making it clear *why* we're checking zero in
particular: because in this case zero means success. That's not obvious,
and should be explicit.


    # …

    (stdout_content, stderr_content) = proc.communicate()
    if proc.returncode != EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS:

 \      “The process by which banks create money is so simple that the |
  `\     mind is repelled.” —John Kenneth Galbraith, _Money: Whence It |
_o__)                                       Came, Where It Went_, 1975 |
Ben Finney


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