BartC <>:

> I'm interested in language design because that's what I've done on and
> off for over 30 years. And I'm discussing some design decisions in
> Python.

That *is* a fun ambition, useful or not.

However, while I'm very choosy and critical when it comes to my
programming tools, I'm extremely happy with the programming language
options that are freely available. It would be very difficult to beat
the existing options with expressive power or elegance.

You seem to have been surprised with some advanced concepts and idioms
in this discussion. Really, apart from its indentation syntax, Python
offers no unique or even rare software engineering concepts (Python's
emphasis duck-typing comes close to being distinctive). You'll find
equivalents in quite many languages, and in active, money-making uses.

> I'm not holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read my posts.

Follow your own advice.


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