In a message of Fri, 04 Dec 2015 11:26:59 +0000, Nicky Mac writes:
>Dear python team
>since windows applied some updates last night to my windows 10 and windows
>7 systems,
>I can't open anything with IDLE as I usually do.
>On windows 10 (64bit with 64bit python), I performed the installation
>repair procedure.
>* Edit with IDLE does not appear as an installed windows program.
>* when I open my usual shortcut to IDLE (
> something briefly flashes on the screen *and immediately disappears.*
>* if I directly open a python program in windows, I get these options (as
>    edit with IDLE     (-> python launcher for windows console)
>    edit with IDLE      (-> edit with IDLE (64bit))  - which I always
>use, *nothing
>Any ideas gratefully received!!!
>Nick "Mac" McElwaine

Go to a console window and type python -m idlelib

See if you get a useful traceback, and post it here.  (If idle just
works, tell us that, instead.)

Laura Creighton


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