On 12/29/2015 1:00 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
I updated to 2.7.11, 3.4.4, and 3.5.1 a couple of weeks ago, so the timestamps are all fresh. So I don't know what happened with 3.4.3 timestamps from last April and whether Windows itself touches the files. I just tried importing a few and Python did not.

I'm a Windows user, too, generally, but the web host runs Linux.

I suppose, since the install does the compileall, that I could set all the __pycache__ files to read-only, even for "owner". Like you said, those files _can't_ be updated without Admin/root permission when it is a root install... so there would be no need, once compileall has been done, for the files to be updated until patches would be applied. This isn't a root install, though, but a "user" install.

Level1 support at the web host claims they never touch user files unless the user calls and asks them to help with something that requires it. And maybe Level1 support religiously follows that policy, but other files have changed, so that policy doesn't appear to be universally applied for all personnel there... so the answer isn't really responsive to the question, but the tech I talked to was as much a parrot as a tech...


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