I can successfully parse my URLs.  However, I'd like to modify a part
then reassemble them.  However, like tuples, the parts appear to be

  >>> URL = 'http://foo/path1/path2/?fragment=foo'
  >>> import urlparse
  >>> u = urlparse.urlparse(URL)
  >>> u  
  ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='foo', path='/path1/path2/',
  params='', query='fragment=foo', fragment='')
  >>> u.query  
  >>> u.query = 'blah=baz'  
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  AttributeError: can't set attribute

The best I've been able to come up with is

  >>> u = urlparse.urlsplit(URL)
  >>> lst = list(u) # can't manipulate the tuple directly
  >>> lst[3] = "bar=baz" # 3 = query-string index
  >>> urlparse.urlunsplit(lst)  

It takes knowing that "3" is the magic index (documented, but not
given some named-constant in urlparse) for the query-string.  Is
there some better, clearer, or more Pythonic way to do this?


(sorry if this is a dupe post, as I got an SMTP bounce/error from
mail.python.org stating "service currently unavailable")

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