"Frank Millman"  wrote in message news:n8038j$575$1...@ger.gmane.org...

I am developing a typical accounting/business application which involves a front-end allowing clients to access the system, a back-end connecting to a database, and a middle layer that glues it all together.


There was one aspect that I deliberately ignored at that stage. I did not change the database access to an asyncio approach, so all reading from/writing to the database involved a blocking operation. I am now ready to tackle that.

I am making some progress, but I have found a snag - possibly unavoidable, but worth a mention.

Usually when I retrieve rows from a database I iterate over the cursor -

   def get_rows(sql, params):
       cur.execute(sql, params)
       for row in cur:
           yield row

If I create a Future to run get_rows(), I have to 'return' the result so that the caller can access it by calling future.result().

If I return the cursor, I can iterate over it, but isn't this a blocking operation? As far as I know, the DB adaptor will only actually retrieve the row when requested.

If I am right, I should call fetchall() while inside get_rows(), and return all the rows as a list.

This seems to be swapping one bit of asynchronicity for another.

Does this sound right?



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